Meet ‘Lucky the Bug Guy’ of Folly Beach

folly facesOscar Wilde once said, “No great artist ever sees things as they really are. If he did, he would cease to be an artist.” Many of us admire the beauty of the many types of palm trees that inhabit the island, but one man looks at these trees and sees much more. Larry Bramwell, a.k.a. “Lucky the Bug Guy,” folds palm fronds to create remarkable creatures such as insects, fish, and birds.

An avid nature-lover who enjoys swimming in the ocean, going on nature hikes, and fishing, Larry finds inspiration all around him. He can be found selling his art at the parking lot across from the pier, Saturdays and Sundays, from 9 a.m. until about 5:30 p.m. When I mentioned that he may be under-charging for his talent, he said he likes to keep his prices low because “art is supposed to be for everyone.” I recently sat down with this friend of the fronds at the Drop-In Deli.

Miranda Jordan: Where are you from and how did you first find your way to Folly?
Lucky the Bug Guy:
I’m from Norfolk, Vir. and I’ve always been a beach person. I came to Charleston four years ago because I heard Charleston had a good art scene. I started selling my art downtown, but wasn’t doing too well there. I came out to Folly on a whim, and had much better luck in this environment. I just love it out here.

MJ: What is your favorite thing about Folly?
The spirit of the people, it’s just a happy place to be. Everyone is always willing to help one another.

MJ: How did you first start making things out of palm fronds?
I’ve been artsy and creative since I was a little kid. One day I was in Miami and saw a man who was making things from coconut fronds, and he could make absolutely anything! I enjoyed making things from nature, and I was inspired.

I kept bugging him to teach me but he wouldn’t. He finally pointed me to a book at the library called What Are Fronds For by Wendy Arbeit. Six months later, I was good enough to go out and sell my creations.

MJ: If you were a palm insect, what would you be?
LtBG: A dragonfly! They’re my favorite because they are aerodynamic, the fastest insect on earth, and have great eyesight. And they’re beautiful.

MJ: If you had unending time and resources, what would be the most grandiose palm project you would make?
LtBG: I think a Christmas Wreath, with flowers and everything. Or a bird’s nest with a bird inside and hummingbirds in the flowers surrounding it.

MJ: What is one thing your friends and neighbors would be surprised to know about you?
That I’m still crazy after all these years, but it keeps me from going insane!

Miranda Jordan is a guidance counselor, musician, and freelance writer. To reach her, you can email her at

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