Folly Beach is Rebranding, 2016 Festival Schedule Approved, City Administrator will make $70,000

By Charlie McCarty | Staff Writer

The Folly Beach City Council met for its regularly-scheduled monthly meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 10 at City Hall. A Special Meeting of Council convened at 6 p.m. Councilmembers Pennell Clamp, Tom Scruggs, Dale Stuckey, DJ Rich, Sandy Hickman, Eddie Ellis and Mayor Tim Goodwin were present.

The announced purpose of the Special Meeting was to consider and discuss two personnel-related issues: The Utility and Public Works Departments and a recent Compensation Study. Council began by unanimously approving to go into Executive Session, and its proceedings were closed to the Public. When Council returned to Chambers, Mayor Goodwin reported no decisions were made and no votes were taken during the Executive Session, and that session was adjourned immediately prior to the Regular Meeting at 7 p.m.

At the Regular Meeting, the following City staff members were also present: City Administrator Spencer Wetmore; City Attorney Ben Peeples; Lee Gessner, Director of Finance; Aaron Pope, Zoning Official; Eric Lutz, Building Official; Andrew Gilreath, Director of Public Safety; and Steve Mims, Deputy Director of Public Safety

In his brief Opening Comments, Mayor Goodwin reassured all that he was not growing a “pre-Christmas” beard.

Staff Reports
Chief Andrew Gilreath reported that the City was awarded an $88,000 grant allowing the City to replace radios that he had previous discussed with Council. He also reported he had met with County Parks and Recreation Commission (PRC) representatives regarding their plans to renovate the County Boat Landing parking area using funds they had also received from a grant. The PRC clarified that after the renovation, new parking rules will be developed and the City of Folly Beach Public Safety Department will be charged with enforcement of parking there. He reminded all that the PRC will be considering all County boaters needs for access to the ramps, i.e., kayaks, paddle boards, as well as those trailering their vessels.

Personal Appearances
Dean Gaskins of JRC Specialty Builders in Aiken came before Council requesting permission for Saturday work through January to complete framing work on new condominiums being built at the Clam Farm property. Councilmember Stuckey voiced concern about the request, stating it would be setting a bad precedent, without serious hardship being established by JRC. After additional discussion and consideration of the observations on the request given by Eric Lutz, Gaskins’s request was denied in a 1-6  vote of Council. Councilmember Hickman was the sole supporter of the request.

Lewis Dodson, President of the Folly Association of Businesses (FAB) requested Council approval of the following FAB-sponsored festival dates: Polar Bear Plunge on Jan. 1, the Taste of Folly on Jan. 16, Folly Gras on Feb. 6, and the Sea & Sand Festival on April 9. When Councilmember Hickman expressed concern about the late date for Sea & Sand event, Dodson explained planners had to work around Easter (the last weekend in March) and the Bridge Run (the first weekend in April). Councilmember Scruggs expressed concerns about safety and costs to the City for these events, and wanted to see a plan developed to specifically address his concerns. Councilmember Stuckey indicated there already was a process in place involving Special Events approval. Councilmember Ellis pointed out there are already monies set aside for Folly Gras. Chief Gilreath stated his department has no issues with the FAB oversight of these events. A 6-1 vote supported the FAB proposal. Councilmember Scruggs cast the sole dissenting vote.

Joe Schmidt of 904 East Ashley Avenue came before Council to request a variance from the impervious driveway ordinance. He presented images of his property flooded by recent rains.  He stated the very high level of the water table in conjunction with an impervious driveway would create a worse flooding problem. He had been told by consulting engineers that a previous driveway will break up under these conditions. When Mayor Goodwin asked for a motion to approve, none was offered, and therefore, the request was not entertained further. Mayor Goodwin recommended Schmidt contact Eric Lutz about these storm drainage issues, while Councilmember Rich pointed out that such a variance would most likely be detrimental to his neighbors.

Citizens Comments
Teresa Marshall of West Mariner’s Cay Drive spoke to the success of the Halloween Carnival, held October 30 in the Folly River Park, congratulating all involved.

Committee Reports
In the sole Committee Report, Carl Halley, Chairman, and Sunee Clark, Treasurer, reviewed the changing dynamic the Tourism and Visitor Promotion Committee has introduced, pointing out that it was distinctive from previous years. Halley described the approach as a “re-branding” of the City, showing a new logo and adopting new catchphrases such as, “Fun during the Off-Season,” “Charleston’s Beach” (somewhat reminiscent for the “old” Holiday Inn branding, prior to evolving to the Tides). He expected some continuing use of the “Edge of America,” but reminded all that the copy mark on that resides in private hands.

Halley indicated that last year the City didn’t spend all that it had allocated through Accommodation Taxes. In the coming year, the Committee is seeking to reach out to older, more affluent age groups ($75K and higher incomes) that have more off-season leisure time at hand, while also extending the reach further out from Columbia to places like Nashville and Charlotte.  Halley and Clark indicated promotions would be more Internet and web-oriented, and they had committed to an ad agency to help in the promotion. Further, they are allocating more funds to the Charleston Area Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) to use on Folly’s behalf than in past years, rather than doing it all internally. Halley and Clark asked Council for their approval of the upcoming Resolution 61-15.  Mayor Goodwin thanked Robin Brooks for her work as Staff Liaison to the TVPC.

Unfinished Business
Council considered Ordinance 17-15 amending the Code of Ordinances in the following sections: Chapter 151; Beach Preservation and Construction Provisions;  § 151.60; Commercial Activity on the Public Beach; § 151.61 Franchise Agreements and Appeal Process at Second Reading. Councilmember Stuckey made a motion to amend the maximum number of campers from 40 per camp to 25 per camp. But there was no second to her motion, and the motion failed.

Stuckey then made a motion to amend the number of allowed paddleboard camps from two to one. Councilmember Scruggs seconded the motion. In the ensuing discussion, Councilmember Rich said he thought two vendors were necessary to promote franchise competition, while Councilmember Stuckey felt one would be adequate. However, this amendment failed in a 3-4 vote, with only Councilmembers Clamp and Scruggs, joining her in the affirmative. Councilmember Rich pointed out the locations of the camps need to be addressed in the bid process as well. The original ordinance was then approved in second reading and adopted by a vote of 5-2, Councilmembers Ellis and Stuckey dissenting.

Ordinance No. 19-15 proposed amending Chapter 164, Use Standards, of the Folly Beach Code of Ordinances by amending Section 164.01-01, Table of Allowed Uses, to list bed and breakfasts as a special exception in the residential single family district and was introduced in first reading. While Councilmember Rich made a motion to approve and Councilmember Clamp seconded the motion, Rich stated that while he did not think the ordinance would pass, he believes it is a topic that needs further review. He suggested the Planning Commission should examine existing bed and breakfast operation centers from the short-term rental perspective. He felt that owner-occupied, smaller short-term rentals could offer small families, couples, and individuals a distinct and well-controlled and managed short-term rental opportunity in the residential areas. Mayor Goodwin added the Planning Commission should also discuss zoning overlay districts. Councilmember Scruggs pointed out this ordinance was remanded to the Planning Commission where it was unanimously voted down. A vote was taken with all opposed.

Ordinance No. 21-15 and Ordinance No. 22-15 proposed, in second readings, changes to Chapters 51 and 52 of the Code of Ordinances dealing with utilities-based charges, billing, refunds, payments and connections by amending Sections 51.029, Cut-off Devices, 51.050, Mailing of Bills, 51.051, Place of Payment, 51.052, Refunds; Limitations, 51.054, Past Due Accounts; Disconnection, and 51.060, Method of Billing, along with Section 52.081, Basis for service.  Both were approved in second readings and adopted unanimously.

New Business
Angel Ward, currently with Dunes Properties, was unanimously appointed to the Parks & Recreation Committee.

Resolution No. R58-15 proposed setting minimum bid amount of each beachfront franchise at $1,000 and gross proceeds amount of four percent of gross proceeds per year for up to five years. Mayor Goodwin pointed out the dollar amounts added to the resolution were meant to be a place to start the conversation. Discussion ensued as to whether or not bid amounts should be broken out by section or by camp type and whether or not to change the number of years in the contract. Councilmember Scruggs made a motion to amend “the Section 2 beachfront franchises (camps) are $500 per year plus four percent of their gross proceeds for up to two years.” Councilmember Ellis seconded the motion. A vote was taken on the amendment with all in favor. A vote was taken on the amended
resolution with all but Councilmember Ellis in favor. Resolution No. 58-15 was approved 6-1.

Resolution No. R59-15 proposed adopting the new salary ranges as recommended by the 2015 compensation study (revised November 3).  It was adopted without discussion unanimously.

Resolution No. R60-15 setting the City Administrator Salary at $70,000 per annum effective November 9, 2015 and transferring the necessary funds from the unrestricted fund to cover this increase and corresponding retirement and FICA increase. Councilmember Rich noted that approximately $11,000 would be transferred from unrestricted funds to general funds to match the salary increase. City Administrator Spencer Wetmore indicated the transfer might be less due to her unpaid maternity leave. Resolution R60-15 was approved unanimously.

Resolution No. R61-15 proposed adopting the FY 15-16 budget for the Tourism and Visitors Promotion Committee in the amount of $180,002 was unanimously approved without discussion.

Ordinance No. 23-15 proposed amending Chapter 151 of the Folly Code of Ordinances, Beach Preservation and Construction Provisions, in Sections 151.011, Stowing Boats and Watercraft of Beach, and Section 151.14 Use of the Beach. The amendments were necessitated when this issue was brought up by the Army Corps of Engineers. The problem came into play when Public Safety could not properly identify the boat owner or the owner would not move the boat. Councilmember Rich made a motion that the phrase “shall be fined $500 and be subject to immediate impoundment” be kept in Section D. Councilmember Scruggs seconded the motion.   Mayor Goodwin pointed out the fine is limited by State ordinance. A vote was taken on the amended ordinance with all in favor.  Ordinance No. 23-15 passed First Reading.

City Council Comments

All Council members expressed gratitude that people came to the meeting and wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Councilmember Scruggs announced a party to thank board members and volunteers would be held on Thursday, December 10 at St. James Gate. Councilmember Stuckey thanked all who made the Jazz Festival successful this year.  Mayor Goodwin reminded everyone to check their calendars for the many upcoming holiday events.  The Regular meeting was then adjourned at 8:37 p.m.

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