outstanding in his fieldIn the small business world of gardening and landscaping (or just about any trade or skill for that matter), one of the fastest ways to grow and learn personally is to take a look around at people who are successful at your art or trade. What traits and creations do you admire? What do you dislike? Most importantly, what would you do different or better in your mind?

While you’re on your personal reconnaissance, remember that nobody loves a critic. I remember a time personally when I would criticize my competition’s handiwork but over the years I have come to realize that criticizing others won’t make your art any better.

Why take time to criticize? Did you personally create something better than whatever it is that you disagree with? How will that help out your personal Dream Inc.? Ultimately, most often our biggest inhibitor is ourselves from what we could be doing with our time.

So nowadays I find it a lot easier on the brain (and the conscience) to try to look at other art or work projects with a nonjudgmental eye. Sometimes we’re inspired and sometimes we’re not. Sometimes someone has even gone the same route as you would normally do and that in itself is inspiring.

Another thing to remember about things people create or service is that their way isn’t always necessarily wrong, it’s just different. Thank goodness everyone’s technique is a little different. Thank goodness people and everything around us doesn’t look the same, or act the same. In reality someone has to do something different to ever grow. Creativity and knowledge of the new or not yet discovered comes from trying and doing things differently (and hopefully better) than we did yesterday.

I’ve really come to admire self expression in others because it helps with our own personal self expression. Don’t be intimidated by masters, be inspired by them. Embrace the art and creativity of others. You have to stand out to be outstanding. Aloha, until next time!

Charlie Stonecypher is the owner of Suncoast Irrigation and Landscaping. They specialize in products that work smart without wasting resources. Contact Charlie at 843-327-8642 or suncoastirrigation@gmail.com.

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