Our first meeting of the New Year is next week on January 4, 2024 – 11AM at the Community Center.
Please join us. We have a pot luck lunch after our speakers so – bring a friend and bring a side dish as we welcome the New Year.
Our speakers will be Lynn Lassiter. and Mary Catoe with the Charleston area “Let’s Walk” group.
“Let’s Walk”. It’s a nation wide non-profit focused on outreach to seniors to promote health, safety, and quality of life.
It is a national program that meets seniors at their home and does regular community walking with them to improve health, wellness, and prevent isolation.
The program uses trained volunteers at no charge to the senior. They are licensed, insured, and all volunteers have a background check and are not allowed to enter the seniors home.This is all to protect the seniors.
A licensed physical therapist does a free safety assessment to determine what level of walking and assistive device should be used.